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上海闵行区协和双语教科学校BC课程部副校长 M

来源:教育科学论坛 【在线投稿】 栏目:综合新闻 时间:2022-01-19
摘要:由腾讯教育和直说择校共同举办的第33届“翼展未来”家庭教育论坛暨国际学校联展活动在上海龙之梦万丽酒店成功举办。 Recruiting Day Interview Questions 招生采访问题 Question 4: What factors


Recruiting Day Interview Questions


Question 4: What factors should parents consider to choose the most suitable international school for their children?


There are several factors to take into consideration when choosing a suitable international school for a child. First, an internationally recognized curriculum that provides excellent opportunities for entry into acclaimed universities around the world is important. Second, the facilities should allow for learning an international curriculum; for example, athletic facilities for physical education, up-to-date computer labs for access to resources, and so on. Third, location and proximity to home should be a consideration – support from family factors into a student's success, so having their family accessible is imperative. Fourth, the school and teacher need to be committed to the students' development, to helping every student achieve their personal best. They must be certified in the curriculum that they are providing to the students. Finally, reputation and word-of-mouth is useful in choosing a school – do parents know families with students in the program? Teachers in the program? Are those students and teachers happy there? Strong programs will have strong recommendations and reputations.


Question 5: What are the core values that international education can bring to children and families?


International education provides the opportunity for children to develop as a whole person, rather than just in their studies. This happens through the development of 21st?century skills or core competencies – communication, critical thinking, self-reflection and -development, and social skills for interacting with others. International schools provide students, and parents, the opportunity to become familiar with a new culture. The students develop an understanding and appreciation of the culture they plan to move to, which makes their transition to university easier. These values interconnect to help a student develop into a global citizen.

国际教育不仅关注学生的学术并且关注学生的全面发展。?这是通过发展 21 世纪的技能或核心能力——沟通、批判性思维、自我反思和发展以及与他人互动的社交技能而实现的。 国际学校为学生和家长提供了熟悉新文化的机会。 学生对他们计划申请的国家的文化形成理解和欣赏,促使他们更容易过渡到大学。 这些价值观相互关联,可以帮助学生发展成为全球公民。

文章来源:《教育科学论坛》 网址: http://www.jykxgw.cn/zonghexinwen/2022/0119/1756.html


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